Hi 👋,
I'm Lucas
Architecting Digital Dreams


My Tech Stack

Technologies I’ve been working with recently

My Career Path

There are my challenges over the last years

Software Engineer at Sofi

Nov 2022 - Jun 2023 (Part) / Jul 2023 - Present (Full)

Engaged in a project that involves the integration of hardware and software components. Implemented a GraphQL-based backend architecture with Mongo for handling common data and utilized Atlas for efficient data storage to facilitate robust big data processing. Additionally, developed cross-platform mobile applications for Android and Apple devices using React Native.

Software Engineer at Integritas

Sep 2021 - Jul 2023

Collaborated on a project of a big financial client Self Financial involving the integration of core microservices into the Salesforce platform. Employed a Python-based API stack utilizing Flask/FastAPI, with Postgres as the database. Emphasized Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles for the majority of the projects to ensure a robust and cohesive architecture.

Software Engineer at Rock Content

Aug 2019 - Sep 2021

Contributed to a collaborative effort aimed at centralizing common data for the entire product list. Implemented a microservices architecture, where each service had its dedicated database. Utilized a technology stack comprising Node, Typescript, React, and integrated databases such as Postgres and MongoDB. Leveraged AWS for scalable and reliable infrastructure support.

Python Developer at Jornal Estado de Minas

Feb 2018 - Jun 2019

Served as a key member of the development team at Diário Associados, contributing to the creation of various innovations and enhancements for the group's products, including Vrum, Lugar Certo, Portal Estado de Minas, UAI, and SuperEsportes. Employed agile methodologies like Scrum and version control with GIT, while adhering to Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices. Utilized a technology stack encompassing Python, Django, Flask, and managed databases such as Postgres, Oracle, and Redis.

Python Developer at Grupo Andrade Martins

Apr 2017 - Feb 2018

Contributed as a developer on the in-house CRM product, serving in both backend and frontend capacities. In the backend, utilized Python and Django with Mysql, while handling frontend responsibilities with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery. Operated within the SCRUM methodology to enhance development efficiency and collaboration.

Software Engineer at 360e1 entretenimento

Feb 2018 - Jun 2019

Served as a key member of the development team at Diário Associados, contributing to the creation of various innovations and enhancements for the group's products, including Vrum, Lugar Certo, Portal Estado de Minas, UAI, and SuperEsportes. Employed agile methodologies like Scrum and version control with GIT, while adhering to Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices. Utilized a technology stack encompassing Python, Django, Flask, and managed databases such as Postgres, Oracle, and Redis.